About our company


App downloads

Join thousands of users on TeeBox in your pursuit of the next round


Social Following

Original content, produced in-house by our content team



Backing our rewards program, we pride ourselves on going the extra mile for our partners

Our Partners

By way of the TeeBox rewards program, we are able to partner with incredible companies to provide users with exceptional value through various offerings, promotions, giveaways, and more. Contact us today if you are one of those incredible companies that are looking to showcase your products and offerings to golfers across the TeeBox App.

The story and mission behind our company

"The idea for TeeBox came after I moved to New York City following college graduation. I'm an avid golfer and, at the time, didn't have any friends near by to golf with. I was tired of golfing alone or getting paired randomly and realized that there had to be a better solution, and that is when TeeBox was born."

- Riley Fabian (Founder)

Our mission is to connect like minded golfers and give back to the game and community that gives so much.  By offering a platform that encourages connection, inclusion, diversity, and so much more, we hope to accomplish that very mission. The game of golf has given so much to each of our lives here at TeeBox and we can only hope to return that favor by providing a platform like this

Strong values that bring great people together

Innovation - Aptonic X Webflow Template


Teamwork - Aptonic X Webflow Template


Ownership - Aptonic X Webflow Template


Growth - Aptonic X Webflow Template


Quality - Aptonic X Webflow Template


Let’s work together

VP of Finance

VP of Finance

Full Stack Engineer

Full Stack Engineer

Backend Developer

Backend Developer
